My just turned one year old weighs 17.5 pounds. As of Monday, I've lost
18 pounds. That's more than my baby!!
I'm training as much as possible - Monday/Wednesday/Thursday is Master's swim team, I try to get gym workouts on those days as well. Tuesday is a long run - to and from daycare: 6.25 miles. My next race is 8/11/12 - Lake Tye Olympic distance. I'm a
little lot nervous. There's a 4 hour cut off. My goal is to finish under 3.5 hours. But I'm still nervous. My bike training is non-existent: having someone watch the baby while I go ride my bike around has been a challenge. Everything else I do I have childcare arranged but the "extra" time of riding has been difficult. Oh well.
My eating has been great. No candy since the beginning of March, no chips/salty foods since the end of March. It hasn't been easy. It's getting easier though. I can only hope that someday it will be easy.
48 days ago I weighed 214.5 pounds.
Today I weigh 196.5. I'm aiming for 193 by Sunday. I'm working very hard at every aspect: food, thinking about food, exercise, and training for triathlons.
I'm trying to blog as often as possible but between work, kids, training, etc - it's complicated to find computer time without a baby on my lap!! Next post will include some weight loss pictures.
And in between everything going on, I am really loving being a "new mom" again. We celebrated our son's first birthday last weekend (and although the cake looked AMAZING - I only ate one bite!). Here's a couple pictures from that day:
"You bringing me cake or WHAT?!" |
Cuteness overload! |
My friend Dawn made the goodies - including this AWESOME cake!! |
Cookies by Dawn |
More cookies by Dawn |
Cowboy cookies by Dawn |
All three of my kids - I'm so proud of each of them! |