1 - you planned a meal around a binge. Chips is a biggie for me - when I want chips I usually plan a meal around it - hamburgers, sandwiches, something that GOES with chips. Then I eat the chips while I'm preparing, put chips with my "meal" and then get seconds while I still have "meal" on my plate. Then - there's that leftover bag and that gets eaten in the kitchen while everyone else is watching TV and the bag disappears. 2 - you take the longer way home because you want to finish off "xyz" from the grocery store. This is for when you buy the king size or large bag. I can scarf a normal size candy bar in the .5 miles from grocery to home. But larger than a normal candy bar and I take a route that goes away from home before it goes to home. And because I haven't committed to what time I'll be home, nobody is the wiser. Except chocolate breath - that's my 'tell'. 3 - secret eating: storing food 'hidden' in th...
I do crazy stuff. And blog about it here. I mean not SUPER crazy. But definitely not on the bell curve of normal. I'm an overweight middle aged woman who refuses to let either one of those limit her.