So - first things first. I have a confession. *deep breath* I binged. I really wish I had someone to call when I was going through it - I felt it happening and more than anything I wanted someone to tell me to stop. I could have called my husband - but as much as he loves me, he doesn't quite "get" it. Here's what happened, in the hopes that can interrupt it myself next time.... I've been feeling poorly lately - sick, tired, downright grumpy. Not sure why <----excuse #1 I had a bad day at work and left early <----- excuse #2 I was hungry <----- excuse #3 and I fell back on old habits. I stopped by the grocery store intending to buy a soda and be on my merry way. On the way in, my inner dialog determined that I was hungry and that dinner was long enough away that a snack was warranted. I went down my list - no candy, no chips. Ok. Fine, I'm getting used to that. But then my brai...
I do crazy stuff. And blog about it here. I mean not SUPER crazy. But definitely not on the bell curve of normal. I'm an overweight middle aged woman who refuses to let either one of those limit her.