Today's weigh in was 200.8 - felt so good not to see 202 on there - it's been a very long time! Maybe the eliminating is working...
This weekend has been full of working - not the "paycheck" kind of work, but yard work, house work, computer work. The yard is closer to civilized - it was a jungle. The house is closer to clean (I hate cleaning the house!!) and there is a calander on the fridge with this week's meals posted. There's even matching inventory in the fridge to go with that menu!!
I love 3 day weekends - this one was actually 3.5 days. Oh how I wish I could do this every weekend - between the 2+ hour commute a day and 40 hours a week of work - there just aren't enough hours in a week to get everything done. My to-do list is getting shorter but it's still nothing less than several pages long. I need to paint the walls, I need to organize pictures, there's so much that I WANT to get done.
The upside of working so hard at home is that I practically forget to eat. Ok - there is that slice of "just out of the oven" bread that I'll NEVER forget but otherwise I can lose track of time. At work, I'm constantly watching the clock - 7:30 breakfast, 10am snack, 12 is lunch of course, 2:30 or so is snack, and then usually head home for a 7pm dinner. My day is marked off not by hour but by meals. At home, it's different. Snacks are "oh - I'm hungry but busy" but not time dependant. I prefer the spontaneous method - but it's not practical at work. I'm too bored usually (until work gets busier at least - thank you economy).
Anyway - I'm off to the movies...after a stop by the grocery store for baby carrots. I struggled all weekend with "is popcorn off limits" question. I've gone back and forth. But because of the struggle, I figured that it is off limits: it falls easily into the chips/crunchy snack category that I've eliminated. So baby carrots will be my "munch while I watch" snack (as I annoy the entire theater even while I try to be quiet!)
I found another entrant for the Kirkland Triathalon that I'm doing on the 18th - he's a new client at my husband's shop (he's having a Chevelle restored!). He's also physically VERY in shape - special ops forces - and I'm certain he'll do very well in the race. Meanwhile, I'll keep pluggin along, hopefully nothing worse than mid-pack.
Which reminds me, I'd better get a training plan on the schedule for these last few days before the race!
This weekend has been full of working - not the "paycheck" kind of work, but yard work, house work, computer work. The yard is closer to civilized - it was a jungle. The house is closer to clean (I hate cleaning the house!!) and there is a calander on the fridge with this week's meals posted. There's even matching inventory in the fridge to go with that menu!!
I love 3 day weekends - this one was actually 3.5 days. Oh how I wish I could do this every weekend - between the 2+ hour commute a day and 40 hours a week of work - there just aren't enough hours in a week to get everything done. My to-do list is getting shorter but it's still nothing less than several pages long. I need to paint the walls, I need to organize pictures, there's so much that I WANT to get done.
The upside of working so hard at home is that I practically forget to eat. Ok - there is that slice of "just out of the oven" bread that I'll NEVER forget but otherwise I can lose track of time. At work, I'm constantly watching the clock - 7:30 breakfast, 10am snack, 12 is lunch of course, 2:30 or so is snack, and then usually head home for a 7pm dinner. My day is marked off not by hour but by meals. At home, it's different. Snacks are "oh - I'm hungry but busy" but not time dependant. I prefer the spontaneous method - but it's not practical at work. I'm too bored usually (until work gets busier at least - thank you economy).
Anyway - I'm off to the movies...after a stop by the grocery store for baby carrots. I struggled all weekend with "is popcorn off limits" question. I've gone back and forth. But because of the struggle, I figured that it is off limits: it falls easily into the chips/crunchy snack category that I've eliminated. So baby carrots will be my "munch while I watch" snack (as I annoy the entire theater even while I try to be quiet!)
I found another entrant for the Kirkland Triathalon that I'm doing on the 18th - he's a new client at my husband's shop (he's having a Chevelle restored!). He's also physically VERY in shape - special ops forces - and I'm certain he'll do very well in the race. Meanwhile, I'll keep pluggin along, hopefully nothing worse than mid-pack.
Which reminds me, I'd better get a training plan on the schedule for these last few days before the race!