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Time to come clean - and start blogging again with NEWS!

I've been avoiding the blogging world - for a couple reasons.  My eating has been horrible.  Well, maybe not horrible but definately not brag-worthy or blog-worthy.  I've been embarassed at how much I've regressed back into old eating habits.
The other reason is I've been keeping a secret but it's time to come clean. 
I've been gaining weight - only a little - and with my doctor's full permission.  As of today, I'm 16weeks 4 days pregnant, and this one's here to stay! 
I'm excited.  And nervous. And sick as a dog with morning sickness.  I've used all of the above as an excuse to jump off the wagon (and load it with junk food to drag around with me all day).  I've had chips and candy and sugar - and not in small quantities.  I now weight 205.  Up from 190.  But holding steady and fully aware of the changes I need to make - again.
Mostly my problem is that I have morning sickness 24 hours a day.  It's like really bad motion sickness ALL THE TIME.  So while I KNOW I need to eat on a regular basis, nothing sounds appealing and (warning - gross ahead) I have to consider what it will feel like if it comes back on me.  (end warning).
So I've been eating all my "comfort" foods - which, if I want to be honest with myself - are my addiction foods. 
In the back of my mind, I know fully well that they really DON'T taste as fabulous as I'd like them to taste - right now I actually enjoy the taste of STRONG flavors.  Chocolate and chips are NOT strong flavors.  Garlic hummus, anything with jalepenos, and ethnic foods ARE strong flavors.  And veggies and fruit are slowly being put back in my daily diet.  I had a "craving" for McDonalds early on - their hamburgers of all things (which normally I HATE).  I've banned myself from fast food again.  There's nothing there I HAVE to have.  I know that. 
So now, after a whole weekend of dreaming about my blog - I will start using it again as one of my tools for getting back on track.  And sharing my awesome news!
Mostly this will still be about my struggle with food.  But there will be baby/pregnancy stuff talked about too.  The ratio is still to be decided. 



Ms. M said…
Congratulations! I am sooooo happy for you!!! You will get back on track & nurture that little one with healthy foods during the remainder of your pregnancy. :)
jesseybell said…
I've been reading your blog on and off - I am so happy to hear that your absence is for a great reason! That is such wonderful news.

I've been pregnant 3 times, with 1 m/c in between my 2 kids. All 3 times I gained 10 lbs before I ever got to my 10 week appt. With my first I gained 30 lbs according to the doctors (started at 216 at 10 weeks) and with my second I gained 15 lbs (again, was 216 at my 10 week appointment). It was with the m/c that I stepped on the scale and was trying to be so good. With my second child I was nauseous 24/7 - I owned stock in Ritz. Hopefully you will be feeling much better really soon. My doctors never gave me a real hard time - just the occasional 'The more you gain, the more you need to lose later on'

Again, so happy for you!
Morgan said…
Congratulations! And I am glad you are back.
Dr. Fat To Fit said…
Congrats! I'm so happy for you. I wondered where you had disappeared to and now I know. I had that kind of all day sickness with all of mine. I know it's hard when you are pregnant to focus on eating what you should and not what you want to. Gaining a little will be fine although there's no rule that you have to gain any. I lost weight with all 3 of mine. Just do the best you can and don't be a stranger. Stay active with the exercise, if your doctor says it's ok. You'll be glad you did in the long run. Stay in touch! I missed you.
♥ Drazil ♥ said…
I've missed you!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS - sooooo happy for you!
Amanda Kiska said…
SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! What wonderful news!

I am confident that you know what to do to get back on track and give that little one good nutricion (as opposed to delicious junk).
Congrats. I have been wondering / worrying about you. With my 4th pregancy(2009) I hardly gained weight. In faqct I lost about 10 pounds in the first trimester since I was hardly eating carbs. I went down to about 202 and then back up to about 220. Just eat and eat often but still keep your portions under control and stick with whole foods.
LauraLynne said…
Thanks Everyone! I was so nervous to come back, admit failure and start all over again - even knowing it was the right thing to do!! I WILL do this - for me, for this baby, and, hopefully, for other people to (maybe) find some inspriation to do this too!
FatAngryBlog said…

re: morning sickness... I had that pretty bad - try peppermint tea, plain toast, applesauce.
LauraLynne said…
Unfortunately I have the kind of morning sickness that "normal" remedies don't touch. It's officially Hyperemisis, controlled only by meds (I'm on Unisom+B6). And it sticks with me for all 40 weeks...
I'm used to the queasiness - for the most part, it's the "must eat all the time to keep from tossing my cookies" part that makes eating sensibly hard to stick to.
Nikki said…
WOOO HOOO! Congrats! :) How awesome!!!

I too have gained some with being pregnant...about 15 pounds so far..and I am 25 weeks...sadly that's all been in the last like 2 months...I have decided to 'enjoy' this...whatever that means! LOL

As for morning sickness...seeings as you are past 12 weeks, if the unisom+b6 isn't cuttin it...ask your doctor for some's safe beyond 12 weeks and is AMAZING...its anti-nausea meds that they use for chemo patients...and it works. I loved it when I needed it!

Oh congrats again!!!

LauraLynne said…
Zofran doesn't touch this morning sickness - I still end up in the ER. they've tried that, reglan, phenergan, and scoplamine (Sp?). Unisom is the only thing that keeps me out of the bathroom full time (literally). I'm hoping to blance my first gain/crazy eating with moderation and exercise for a slower gain in the next several months...but we'll see.
Nikki said…
WOWSERS! Oh hun...I'm of my girlfriends here had morning sickness that was rough like that...ended up in the ER for fluids and all that fun stuff..
Unknown said…
Congratulations! Such wonderful news. Take care of yourself and your baby! I look forward to following your new journey.
Laura said…
Congratulations! I hear you on the morning sickness. Zofran didn't do anything for me. I'm 25 almost 26 weeks and still taking unisom. The one time I tried to go off it I threw up 5 times that day. I hope you start to feel better soon! Yea for baby!!
Molly said…
Yeah for you! I was wondering what was going on and where you were! Good luck!
Congratulations on your wonderful news! Sorry to hear about the "morning" sickness that makes you want to eat all day long - I know how that feels and it's tough! Hang in there and enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can!

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