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Numbers - good and bad...

Let's get the bad out of the way - my brain is just rehashing and rehashing on this one...

I mapped my running last night on - and the loop I was doing that I thought was a mile was only .88   OK - it should be a big deal that missing .12, right?  But it brings my mile time down from 12 minutes to 14.  .12 miles is playing huge tricks on my brain.  I'm ALL about numbers.  Pounds, miles, sizes, math, numbers numbers numbers - my world revolves around numbers.  So this is really kicking my butt.  It shouldn't.  And if this were someone else's blog and someone else's sad news of the day - I would tell them to "buck up" and be proud they're out there running.  And maybe by tomorrow I'll take my own advice.  But today I'm bummed.  *deeep breath!!*

Ok - and on to the good numbers!!  Scale.  My work is paying off.  209.2 this morning.  Total loss of over 30 pounds now!!  30.8 to be precise.  In 12 weeks.  nearly 2.5 pounds a week on average.  107,800 calories I DIDN'T eat (since I only just started working out, most of those pounds were purely from cutting calories).  wow. 

Ok - enough with the numbers, I'm sure I've lost a few of you...I'm ready to take on the day!! 

First...a bagel thin w/ lite garlic herb cream cheese.  It is Friday - bagel day in my office.  I have bagel thins stashed in the freezer so that I'm not tempted by the fresh hot crusty bagels they bring in.  350 calories each.  Some days they're worth it.  Not today! 

Tonight's run will be on the full mile loop (1.03 actually - geek!).  I'll report back my new running numbers!



Laura said…
I know you will get over the numbers and take your own advice! Congrats on the weight loss, you are doing amazing!!!
♥ Drazil ♥ said…
Didn't lose me - remember me? I'm the girl who tracks distance, calories and hours worked out in a month in a freaking spreadsheet. Accountants roll that way I guess. Now buck up! LOL
LauraLynne said…
Yay!! more number geeks!! I *Heart* numbers!
Katie J ♥ said…
That is great! You are making good progress and I am looking forward to watching your progress.
Duke said…
I love your blog! Check out my new one. It chronicles the life of a one-time model who now, 100 lbs heavier, is a waddle. “once a model, now a waddle”
I am a twenty-something, first-time-blogger. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Shopping in my closet is like going to the GAP– I have jeans from size 2 to size 16. My weight can fluctuate by 100 pounds. And because of this, I have been afforded the opportunity to live many types of lives over the past ten years. At my thinnest, I was model signed to a major agency in Miami. As I gained weight, I switched focus from my looks to my smarts. I graduated from law school and started working as an attorney. Now, 100 plus pounds heavier and a bona fide waddler, my memories of photo shoots and the glamorous life are a distant fog. Please join me on my journey from model to waddle and hopefully back again.

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