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Showing posts from October, 2010

impulse eating better today - and a rant about my ex. husband

I thought I was going to lose it yesterday and this morning - it's been the hardest struggle yet.  I'm tired - I've had a cold for several weeks now, just low grade cough, chest congestion.  This week it got worse - I'm not sleeping well so I'm exhausted all. the. time.  I took it easy on working out this week hoping that some extra rest would help but it's not helping AND I'm not going to meet my OctoberFAST goals - it's close, but the swim and run are both going to be short.  I'm not beating myself up over it so that's a relief.  I ate reasonably today - and cooked - which always helps!  I had an egg white scramble this morning and a protein bar between workouts.  And now I've got taco soup in the crockpot just waiting for hubby to get home.  There's leftover corn bread too but I didn't like the couple bites I took yesterday so only 'soup' it is (it's a taco meat chili more or less...).  Lots to stress about around h...

Friday night - I made it through!

Must be PMS - but everything is calling my name.  Work was hard - but I made it.  Grocery shopping was hard - but I made it.  Dinner was good and now I'm snacking on a few almonds - but I'm making it!!  Tomorrow is boot camp and a long bike ride - the bike ride will put me at goal for my OctoberFAST challenge and I'll need to get a good swim in as well.   Starting Monday, after OctoberFAST, I will be reducing my training schedule.  The frequency will be less and the distances just slightly longer.  I'm having a hard time committing to the frequency - but the distances are all manageble.  So I'm changing it up a little.  I'm still planning on a half ironman next summer so the training is still neccassary. Food wise I'm struggling a little - I've got cravings, if you can call it that...I really want candy and junk.  It's been life saving to be abstaining from them.  My brain has been pulling out the old can have ...

What I'm up against today

TTFN, LauraLynne

hard day - food struggles...

Today is our annual Halloween chili cookoff.   I've been helping set it up.  Which is fine except - I'm hungry.  Not physically hungry.  Maybe a little physically hungry - but emotionally I want to start eating now and not stop until 5pm.  There's chips and chili and cornbread and candy corn.  Taffy too!  And I've walked past the bowl of candy no less than a dozen times and I'm on the verge of duct taping my arms to my side.  They seem to reach out to the bowl on their very own - as if possessed! Hey - maybe that's it!! I'm haunted by my 300 pound former self!  Is anyone here an exorcist - I need one STAT!!  Ok.  Here's the deal.  I brought my good ol' Turkey Chili as an entry.  I know it's healthy.  I know the calories.  And I know it's tasty.  So I'll stick with that.  And water.  My bottle of water should weight my arm down enough to avoid the candy corn.  Have I mentioned that Ca...

My husband's cooking experiment

My husband can cook.  I've seen him!!  And he cooked for himself before I met him... So, tonight, when I was on my way home, we talked on the phone about dinner possibilities.  I mentioned some hamburger than needed cooked and walked him through how to defrost it in the microwave.  So for the rest of the ride home I'm day dreaming of hamburger and a few finger potatoes broiled with seasoning salt....yum!!  I've just run almost 6 miles and I'm hungry! I arrive home as he's putting the defrosted and crumbled hamburger in a fry pan.  Not the patties on the George Forman as I was envisioning...but I'm not cooking so I'm not putting my opinion in there.  I settle in on my computer, start checking out blogs, and then duck back into the kitchen to refill my water bottle.  He hands me my dinner plate:  about 2oz of hamburger and some peas....I moan about the small hamburger portion and he mysteriously comments "you need to try it first -...

sick day - catch up day - abstaining from food notes

so yesterday I got the message loud and clear.  So here it is 3:30 in the afternoon, I'm only JUST getting out of bed, emailed work about a sick day this morning, and generally not feeling great.  So...I'll catch up on blogs while listening to Hulu - right?  :) I'm a little frustrated by internet filters at work - during slow times I can read other blogs but I can't comment - for some reason, commenting is blocked.  Now I have to figure out how to "bookmark" the ones I want to comment on from home!  Suggestions?? Meanwhile, I've been blogging extensively about my training - but not so much about my food issues - which are still alive and well.  Some things I'm doing well on - candy's tempting but not overwhelmingly so, I've turned to almonds for a quick snack vs. a bag of chips.  A reasonable alternative in my book.  Sugar is ok - I'm still struggling with how to replace the "you deserve a treat" thoughts that hit me quite oft...

Bike a fever, jog a cold?

That's not the saying exactly but that's what I've been trying to do. I'm teetering on the edge of a nasty chest cold. Tonight's run I finally raised the white flag and walked the 3 miles instead of running 7 as planned. I'm learning how to be more flexible. Slowly. I'm so determined in everything I do that it's hard to accept anything less than 100%. Even at a steep cost. So, tonight I walked. And now I'm going to slice up an apple, shut off the computer, and probably fall asleep before 9pm. A full three hours earlier than normal. But tomorrow is boot camp...if I don't roll over and go back to sleep. Cough cough! Night everyone! TTFN, LauraLynne

Friday's weigh in and challenge updates!

Challenge updates!  Also known as "making progress" or "chugging along!"   OctoberFast Goals: swim: 24,000 yards bike: 200 miles run: 50 miles Total so far: Week 1 swim: 8450 yards bike: 50.4 miles run: 17.92 miles Week 2 Swim: 12,250 yards Bike: 65.4 miles run: 22.92 miles Week 3 totals: Swim: 17,100 yards (6900 to go) Bike: 164.86 miles (46.14 to go) run: 31.11 (18.89 to go) This was a big week for totals - especially the bike.  My training plan is broken into weekly goals: Base - which is maintaining my endurance Build - building endurance Recovery - also exactly what it sounds like This week was a build week so the distances were a little longer.  This week is the same.  So baring burnout, injury or acts of nature, I will make all my OctoberFAST goals!!  I'm super excited for this because, honestly, when I set them and looked at the numbers, it seemed pretty unlikely.  But I'm not someone to shy away from challenges (um -...

How much is too much??

I may have found it today ....  to much of what you ask?? Too much to do. Too much to think about. Too much to plan. Too much working out. I'm tired.  Tired of thinking, planning, doing, working out.  I'm tired of fighting my brain over stupid stuff:  Ice Cream is NOT ok.  I do NOT deserve a treat right now.  Today's plan was: bootcamp, bike ride, swimming.  Sounds like a normal day in my life.  More or less. Where I went wrong:  got out the door late (you try loading a bike into a tiny VW before you're awake!), didn't have time to grab some breakfast, realized I forgot gloves so I texted my husband to meet me after bootcamp and before bike ride with them.  Did bootcamp - have been trying to ramp it up a little and mximize the benfit.  Went out to car after to head to bike meet up (group ride with local bike shop - I was finally going to be on TIME with a bike that WORKED!).  Got a text from hubby - he's at the...

My Brain is playing tricks on me...

Ok. So seriously. This is the internal conversation that just happened. Like inside my head. (Looks around for the men in white...and writes "sugar free pudding ONLY" in sharpie on my hand). I have a bit of a scratchy throat - not bad. But here's the conversation: Evil Side: "you know, if you get sick you get to lay in bed for a day - no swimming, no biking, no running - just blankets and sleeping!" New Me: "but I LIKE swimming, biking, and sometimes even running" Evil Side: "but if you're sick, you get to lay in bed and eat Candy!" New Me: "oh no you didn't!!!" Yup. Really. Certifiable. I know. Stay tuned for Challenge updates and a weigh in!!  TTFN, LauraLynne

Made that track my BITCH!!

Ran it. Killed it. 2.68 miles. Average pace: 11:53min/miles Negative voices can SHOVE IT!! Booyah!!! TTFN, LauraLynne

Lost: mojo. Motivation. Will to run.

Man. I have been doing so great. Running, swimming, moving! And eating is improving. I'm working through issues. And most of the time, I feel pretty good about it. Sometimes even great!! Not tonight. Let me set the scene.... This is greenlake. Beautiful, nice 2.7 mile flat track for running around it. And tonight I'm on time, remembered everything, found parking and I'm ready to go. Start my music, set the gps and start my first lap. Plan is 2 laps before the group gets here and then a leisurely third lap. I've been doing 12 min/miles and thrilled with that progress. Tonight I wanted to see a few 11.xx splits (my gps is set to announce time/miles/speed every 3 minutes). As I set out, there were a few ponytail was loose, there's a grain of something in my shoe, and I'm just a little "out of sorts". So I walk a short distance and fix my pony. Decide the grain in my shoe isn't untie/fix/retie worthy and keep on running. My first ...

Hump Day!! checking in...and guilt!

still alive and kicking.  And pedaling.  And running.  And, well, you name it!  It's getting really fun to watch some of the changes with my body right now - collar bones, I haz 'em!  I can't hardly shave my legs without being attacked by utter vanity - my poor husband is growing weary of the "hey - Look at THIS" interruptions.  But I've got muscles - coming out of hibernation!  I'll try and take some photos soon - document this in case they up and disappear again!  I hope they won't - this is fun!  In the eating department I'm doing ok - I'm struggling a little with the sugar elimination.  But it's interesting in that I'm able to see the emotional connection SO much clearer.  Bad day - reflex is to think of eating something sugary.  Frustrated?  Sugar.  Angry - that's an interesting one.  That's been really clear.  My brain sends out a "so - you REALLY want something to be angry about?!" message and ...

"Blog with Substance" Award!

I'm so honored that Glenda  at Mind over Fatter gave me this - I really do take these awards to heart - thank you Glenda! So in order to comply with accepting this award I have to: 1. Thank the person who gave you the award. From the bottom of my grateful heart: Thank you Glenda! 2. Explain my blogging philosophy, motivation and experience in five words. Honesty, record-keeping, accountiblity, inspriration, intraspection 3. Give the award to 10 other bloggers (I’ll do 5)....   Greta @ Big Bottomed Blogger  - she's done so great both in weight loss (check out her before and afters!) and also in growing emotionally and conquering her weight loss and fitness!   Dr Fat to Fit   - she's always so strong - a true inspiration!!     He Took my Last Name - setting goals, making plans - look out for her!  She's full steam ahead on her journey! Draz at It's just Me, Drazil & Sheniqua  - whootananny, exploding poop, and weightlos...

So much to say part 1) - challenge check ins

during my swim today - I came up with a great post!  And I have several awards to aknowledge and pass along - and then there's the 3 challenges that I'm in to update today!  I'm drowing in words and need to find more time!  It's funny how the more I spend time training, the more I have to say.  But the more I spend time training, the less TIME I have to say it!! So - for now - Challenge updates! so - let me start with OctoberFast Goals: swim: 24,000 yards bike: 200 miles run: 50 miles Total so far: Week 1 swim: 8450 yards bike: 50.4 miles run: 17.92 miles Week 2 totals Swim: 12,250 yards (11,750 to go) Bike: 65.4 miles (145.6 to go) run: 22.92 miles (27.08 to go) I've missed some of my running workouts, that's just life.  I'm making up for it this weekend so look for some big jumps next week!! Next Go The Distance Challenge goal: 50 miles run in October Total so far: 22.92 Again - I have some running to catch up on so this weekend...

Thursday - exhausted...but still marching along!

This morning was boot camp again - I'm loving it!  I'm committed to going - no "when ever/where ever" workouts which are easy to postpone (I haven't cancelled any but I've delayed a few - my schedule is WICKED!).  There are different levels of intensity offered at bootcamp and today I stepped it up.  Day 1 I was a little worried about not being able to finish the class or looking weak.  Today I threw all that out the window.  I'm not there to impress anyone, it's fairly likely that not one person in that class gives a hoot about my fitness level.  So this morning I gave it 100%.  Owie.  OWIE! But I'm thrilled - I pushed it, I did well - and I'm sore to prove it.  I'm going to have to write down all the routines so that when my 6 week trial is up, I can commit to doing it myself.  None of it is complicated or difficult - they're all basic moves.  Squats, lunges, sprints, planks.  All good for the core, all can be done in my ...

quick update - and a huge NSV

I'm still training my butt off - literally!  I'm keeping up with the schedule I set and I'm excited to see progress!  My run times are down, my swimming is good - biking I have no way of measuring.  Boot camp went well, I didn't feel out of place OR out of shape!  All victories! NSV yesterday that was huge for me... When I left work and headed for the bus, it was still early - buses to my car only come every 15 min. instead of every 7 during peak hours.  So if I missed it, I was going to be home a precious 15 minutes later.  And I really needed some home alone time - it was a stressful day yesterday just mood wise.  As I entered the bus tunnel, my bus went barrelling past me - down to it's stop on the other end - approx. 1.5 blocks down.  Without thinking - I sprinted.  Yup.   Me.  Sprinted!  I ran full out for the 1.5 blocks and climbed on the bus.  Which - in itself is amazing.  But, even more amazing, is th...

weekend wrap up - learning to forgive

Saturday I woke up early and headed out to the bootcamp orientation – it went well, I’m excited for day 1 tomorrow. Nothing fancy about it – basic common sense, simple exercises, repetition, focus on good form. Got home and hubby asked me to go to swap meet with him. With a restoration business, swap meets are just inventory shopping for us with a little bit of marketing and socializing thrown in. So we went. I didn’t bring my bottle of water which turned out to be a huge mistake. We’re on a tight budget right now so I balked at $3 bottles of water. We did make halfway decent choices for lunch – teriyaki chicken on rice. Not great – but better than any other deep fried offerings they had. Finally, around 2pm, I broke down and bought bottled water. I managed to make it through the swap meet without the crap food – I was thrilled. At home, we decided that we would use a gift certificate I won at work for a night out at the movies. Wall Street was playing and we headed into Belltown i...

Friday - updates - weigh in - deep breath

I'm in THREE challenges - which isn't bad - they're all somewhat related.  And they're all weight loss related.  So it's all good. I realized this morning that while I was frustrated last night - I remembered that I DID NOT eat the ice cream.  That's what made me sad.  But I should be happy that I remembered and resisted!  So today that's what I'm focusing on! Having my tri-training in full swing is helping me stay on track.  Food wise I'm actually not as hungry when I'm working out (go figure) and I think that the no-sugar is helping with that as well.  typically my day goes something like this:  7:30 arrive at work/eat breakfast.  10am - snack noon - lunch 2:30 - snack dinner is anywhere from 6pm to 9pm I also eat a piece of toast with peanut butter before a workout.  Lately I have been skipping the snacks - not intentionally - I just forget.  They were hunger driven (I believe in eating when you're hungry when at all...

geesh - I completely forgot. *sigh*

tonight we attended a car meeting - and ate at a burger joint.  I did well on my selections, no problem there.  And we went up to the ice cream cooler and picked out our ice cream.  I was so proud of myself - I asked for 1/2 scoop of each of the sherberts I wanted - Lime and Raspberry - my favorites!!  We took our treats back to the table and I was composing my "I'm so proud of myself" blog already (please tell me other people do this... and I put the spoon to my mouth and my brain finally kicked in.  *I forgot* no sugar.  Sherbert has sugar.  So, sadly, here's the result: A melting dish of uneaten ice cream.  And I'm sad.  Not because I went hungry or anything, but because I forgot. I didn't even feel deprived necassarily.  Just disappinted because it's not easy.  I want this to be easy. I really want it to be easy.  But I know it's not.  I've lived it all my life - it's not easy.  But I ...

I might have to become a morning person...and a NSV

I've been completely immersed in my tri-training so I've been working out every single day.  And some days are 2-fers: 2 workouts.  Well, there just aren't enough hours in a day so I missed a few because life just got in the way and by the time I sat down at night and got ready to workout, there was barely time for one let alone 2.  So for 2 days now, I've gotten up 45 minutes early to get a workout in.  First day was swimming, this morning was biking.  tomorrow is swimming again.  The big deal is that I got up early.  Folks, I am NOT a morning person.  I would be wearing 2 different socks and 2 different shoes.  But nobody would notice because if I didn't lay my clothes out the night before, I would go to work with no pants on.  It's THAT bad.  I suck at mornings.  But I got up.  I worked out.  Blearily.  And then headed to work - and forgot to eat.  Mind you, I eat a piece of toast with peanut butte...

whole new wardrobe!

Or at least it feels like it - my mom is cleaning out her closets.  yes, plural.  All my clothes fit in 1/2 a standard closet.  With room left over.  I'm not a big shopper, I'm not very fashionable, if it's clean and it buttons/zips/fits then I'm happy.  Well, for the second time recently, my mom had me come over and pick up her donation clothes.  And she's got great taste - casual, which is perfect for me!  Last night's pick up included 3 great winter coats - one that's dressy even!  There's probably a dozen t-shirts (no motorcycle logos - I'm sure my co-workers will be relieved!), several pairs of cotton Capri's, some sweaters, couple pairs of pants...and I can't even remember what else!  I'm not sure where I'm going to put all this but I'm excited to have choices - and choices that fit!  My mom's smaller than I am - similarly shaped (big bottomed, tapered waist) - and a LOT taller than me (5 or so inches - damn my dad'...

OctoberFAST - week one update. Going the Distance!

I'm in a challenge for distances this month too!  Thanks to The Clydedale Project My distances for week one are: Swim: 3950 yards Bike:  11 miles Run:  7.83 miles My goals are: swim: 24,000 yards (480 total laps) bike: 200 miles run: 50 miles so - because I'm a math nerd - left to do this month: swim: 20,050 bike: 189 miles run: 42.17 miles I'd better get my butt in gear!! Tonight I'll be running around Greenlake with my daughter - goal is 5 miles.  tomorrow is a swim/bike day Wednesday I'm getting my bike fitted and then going for a ... run.  ya, I know - but I dont' have lights on my bike and riding the dark at my skill level = a very bad idea.  I'll update later on the no sugar and all the demons struggles that go along with that... TTFN, LauraLynne's been awhile - and my rotten day

Arms - 14.5" (no change, total: -1") Bust - 41" (-1", total: -2") Waist - 35" (+.5", total: -.5") Hips - 45" (-1, total: -1") thighs - 26" (no change, total: -1") calves - 17.5" (-.5", total: -.5") Of all of those, I'm most excited about my calves - I'm seeing some serious changes there - the definition so while there's only .5" gone, there's some major change!  I tried to take a picture but it doesn't show it very well...I'll just have to keep working on MORE definition so that I can show it off! Today was a rough start - I was supposed to meet at a local bike shop for a group bike ride.  We happened upon the shop during a car show and the owners were very friendly.  I'm headed there this week for a bike fitting.  Meanwhile, they told me about a group ride they do every Saturday morning - I've really been wanting to find a group to ride with and most of them around ...

Progress pictures - compare only 10 pound difference

I finally snapped a couple pictures last night - and, as usual, when I looked at them, I just didn't like what I saw.  There's something different about looking at  full body picture vs. looking at small parts of me in the bathroom mirror.  I can usually try and focus on something I like in the mirror - the shape of my collar bone starting to appear, the fact that I can see down to my toes without contorting myself, the fact that my waist is starting to curve INwards.  But put them all together - and take a picture - and I begin to fret about the stuff I see that I don't like.  So last night, I posted the pictures.  And didn't like them but dismissed it and didn't dwell on it.  This morning I took another look - and compared.  And while I'm still not entirely thrilled - I AM seeing progress.  Small stuff - little bit of smoothing out of the cottage cheese thighs, my waist is shrinking, just little stuff.  So here are the before an...

Today starts no sugar

This feels harder than no candy and no chips. And it started by throwing the oreos in the GARBAGE. And not the trash at my house - no, these went into the trash at the bus stop. Bye bye. (I'm imagining some homeless dude chowing down on his amazing find...) Now I need to grocery shop and fill my house with fruits and veggies! TTFN, LauraLynne

starting a couple of challenges today...

First is Gag 2010 .  This is a pounds lost challenge - 12 weeks until Christmas.  There are also POINT challenges - the first one being to create a Vision board.  I'm excited for this challenge - some friendly winter competition to keep me moving in the right direction!  I should have mentioned it early since this challenge is closed now :(  sorry folks, I'm a slacker :( Next is Big Clyde's Octoberfast mileage challenge.  I pledged to the following distances: Ok - my mileage goals for October: swim: 24,000 yards (480 total laps) bike: 200 miles run: 50 miles And finally - because I never do things slowly *sigh* - challenge number 3 is Fatgirlvsworld's  go the distance challenge.  My goal is 50 miles of running in October. So - they all sort of go together - they're not entirely seperate.  but I'm excited to push myself, have some outside accountibility - and some friendly competition.  Today's weigh in w...