Skip to main content's been awhile - and my rotten day

Arms - 14.5" (no change, total: -1")
Bust - 41" (-1", total: -2")
Waist - 35" (+.5", total: -.5")
Hips - 45" (-1, total: -1")
thighs - 26" (no change, total: -1")
calves - 17.5" (-.5", total: -.5")

Of all of those, I'm most excited about my calves - I'm seeing some serious changes there - the definition so while there's only .5" gone, there's some major change!  I tried to take a picture but it doesn't show it very well...I'll just have to keep working on MORE definition so that I can show it off!

Today was a rough start - I was supposed to meet at a local bike shop for a group bike ride.  We happened upon the shop during a car show and the owners were very friendly.  I'm headed there this week for a bike fitting.  Meanwhile, they told me about a group ride they do every Saturday morning - I've really been wanting to find a group to ride with and most of them around here are fast, in shape, and I would really feel like a fish out of water.  This group sounded much more my pace. 

But I'm shy.  Borderline social anxiety.  And this morning it was one hurdle after another and I was late leaving the house.  I couldn't fit my bike in the VW and threw a temper tantrum.  Which made me even later.  My plan was to be early - one of the first people there.  So that I don't walk into a crowd of strangers and more like getting there early enough that I only meet a few strangers as they arrive...if that makes any sense.  So I was hurrying to get out there - it was past start time but I went anyway. 
There may have been a few stressful tears on the way out there.  I hadn't eaten anything - I forgot my peanut butter toast on the counter.  And a lot of self talk convincing myself NOT to turn around.  When I did get to the shop - without turning around - everyone had left already.  And I was both disappointed and relieved.  So I headed home.  All I wanted was a nap - it was only 9:20am (yes - I was TWENTY MINUTES late.  I'm so ashamed!) and I already felt like it had been a long day. 

On the way home, my husband called - to make sure I had gotten there ok.  I told him I was headed home.  He caught me mid crying jag.  I don't usually cry people!!!  I blame hunger and stress!!!  I told him I was headed home and I would instead be going to the shop to do the books and billing.  He called back before I got home and told me he would meet me at the shop and had picked up a turkey bacon breakfast sandwich for me (Starbucks to the rescue!).  Here's where my day continued to get worse.

I planned on getting my swim in at 12:30 - pool's open from 12:30-2:00.  But hubby asked for my help with some shop errands.  Which finally ended around 1:30.  So I missed swimming too.  I was disappointed and frustrated for the second time today.  So we headed out on one more errand (since it was too late for me to swim anyway) and we finally got home around 3:30pm.  I decided I wanted a nap and to just hit 'reset' on the day.

So I did.

An hour later, I got up in a much better mood.  We headed to the bike shop to pick up a few things - including a computer for my bike - distance, speed, and cadence, i'm so excited!  Then we had a nice dinner and I hit the stationary bike for a nice 45 minute ride.  So while it wasn't on the training plan, I did get a ride in.  I'm a day behind on my training plan but figure that at least I'm still doing something.  I'm learning to cut myself some slack. 

Tomorrow is church and then a nice long swim.  Tomorrow night hubby and I will go for a run and I will try and get back on track with the training. 

Successes for today:  Getting a bike ride in - even if it was stationary!  Not eating chips at dinner.  Day 2 no sugar - there's ice cream in the freezer that will NOT be eaten by me - even during a very bad no good day!  My calves are getting ripped!  :)



Juli said…
LauraLynne, you did a great job dealing with your day. Kudo's to you for still working out and having the guts to post your weight and measurements. I am a LONG ways away from that. You truly inspire.
Great end to a crappy start. I hope you get a chance to ride with the group again. Your pics and inches are great. I would love to have a 35 inch waist.
Hi, just found you're blog and can relate. You're doing great and I will be a follower. Check me out too!

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