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Friday night - I made it through!

Must be PMS - but everything is calling my name.  Work was hard - but I made it.  Grocery shopping was hard - but I made it.  Dinner was good and now I'm snacking on a few almonds - but I'm making it!! 

Tomorrow is boot camp and a long bike ride - the bike ride will put me at goal for my OctoberFAST challenge and I'll need to get a good swim in as well.   Starting Monday, after OctoberFAST, I will be reducing my training schedule.  The frequency will be less and the distances just slightly longer.  I'm having a hard time committing to the frequency - but the distances are all manageble.  So I'm changing it up a little.  I'm still planning on a half ironman next summer so the training is still neccassary.

Food wise I'm struggling a little - I've got cravings, if you can call it that...I really want candy and junk.  It's been life saving to be abstaining from them.  My brain has been pulling out the old can have just can stop after've been training/working hard, you deserve at least one...

Knowing I can't have ANY keeps me on top of it.  It's hard.  All the thoughts and the urges - but I really appreciate that I can stick to the abstinence.  I feel a success every time I avoid the foods I've quit.  Today's been the hardest in a long time though. 

My weigh in was this morning - I'm down to 193.0 - down .08 which is awesome!!  One interesting side note to the avoiding foods is that the focus on the numbers is much less, it's down every week so far for the GAG2010 challenge which is awesome but my mood is not directly tied to the up and down.  It's been such a feeling of freedom!

Challenge updates:

swim: 24,000 yards
bike: 200 miles
run: 50 miles
Total so far:
Week 1
swim: 8450 yards
bike: 50.4 miles
run: 17.92 miles
Week 2
Swim: 12,250 yards
Bike: 65.4 miles
run: 22.92 miles
Week 3
Swim: 17,100 yards
Bike: 164.86 miles
run: 31.11
Week 4 totals:
Swim: 17,100 yards (nope, didn't swim at all this week - I've got  nasty cold!)
Bike: 194.86 miles
Run: 39.11 miles

Left to go (for this weekend!)
Swim - 6900 yards (doable if I can breathe tomorrow and Sunday)
Bike: 16.14 (this will get done in tomorrow's bike ride with the bike club)
Run:  10.89 - I've been struggling with being motivated to run outside of M/W - so doable but will have to push myself out the door tomorrow and Sunday

Next is the Go The Distance Challenge for October
Goal is 50 miles
Total so far: 39.11 (78% done!)
again, just over 10 miles left to run - it's going to be a matter of motivation.  I've been exhausted and sick so running outside hasn't appealed to me at all and it's been easy to slack off.

And last - but not least

GAG 2010
Goal: pounds lost by Christmas
Start weight: 200.2
Friday's weight: 193.0
Total lost so far: 7.2

I'm psyched with this - but again, my focus has been shifting to my eating habits. 

In other news - we're going to VEGAS this week - a chance to run outside in warm weather on new (and flat) routes!  We're going for a trade show and one of the shows is 11 miles of walking to see all the vendors - it's going to be a good workout.  Now if I can keep my food and eating under control, it should be good!  I'm kind of looking forward to the challenge - is that wrong?!

Ok, time to hit the couch, watch some TV and fall asleep.  Tomorrow is boot camp, bike ride, a run and maybe a swim. 



Dizzy Girl said…
I've been craving sugar all day too! PMS IS DEATH! But we can do it. You're doing it- awesome. Me too!!!

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