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winter blahs...

and winter isn't even here yet!  Our weather (Seattle) has been, well, blah.  It's typical but it seems like every year my reaction to it is worse.  And this year it's awful.  Mid-November and I'm tired of it already.

but in the past, it was easier to "enjoy".  Cold weather meant more eating!  It was 'justified'.  Chili, lots of baking, heavy carb meals - it's winter!!  This year is different.  I'm snacking on pears, apples, and satsuma oranges.  I'm eating light meals and I haven't transitioned to my "winter menu" (aka overeating).  This is going to be tough.  Not a hurdle I anticipated at all.  I figured that my journey would continue exactly the same. 

Silly  me. 

It's cold outside so bundling up for a run is - well, it hasn't happened in a week now.  I'm freezing all the time with 49 less pounds of fat to insulate me.  I'm already a cold person so this is excruciating.  I'm thinking about breaking down and buying some decent winter workout gear - but it's so expensive!  Frugal-me and cold-me are battling it out. 

I'm planning on baking this weekend - it's Thanksgiving next week after all!  I bring desserts - my pie is clamored after.  So this weekend I'll start baking - my grandparents will receive the first batch.  This is their first year not living independantly.  They're 96 & 94 and until 2 months ago lived 100% independantly.  Now they're in a senior living situation with meals etc cooked for them (they go to a cafeteria to eat).  So I'm baking up some goodies to bring to them.  And testing some new receipes to bring to my mom's Thanksgiving dinner.  And baking some bread, making some fresh bagels, and generally keeping busy and heating up the house with the oven.  :)

I'm wanting to make some freezer meals too - life's been so hectic lately that I feel like I've neglected the family dinner situation.  And I've had time to cook - since I wasn't out running - but I need to reverse that a little.  Make ahead meals are always satisfying.  I know they're healthy and my kids can warm them up while I'm out running.  It only makes sense.  But this weekend is baking, I think cooking will have to be next weekend!

This morning was my before last Aim to Be Fit bootcamp - I paid for 6 weeks on a special deal (Shout Out to Groupon!!) - and my last class is Saturday.  The trainer has a special "do it yourself fitness" that he offers that's basically bootcamp at home.  so I'll try that.  I love the program - I'm seeing the results - so I'll keep it up at home.  (*note*  No affiliation, no special deal for mentioning him - I just love the camp THAT much!). 

So my plan for this upcoming week?  Bake this weekend - get at least SOME running in - and stick to my eating plan even through the holiday.   And maybe look into some of those seasonal lights for people with SAD just to get some Vitamin D!  OH!  And I'm going on a bike ride Sunday afternoon (it's supposed to be 50 - that's practically a heat wave!)



Losing 100 said…
Sorry about the yucky weather. I am dealing with that too. Luckily I can hit the gym if it is too cold, and I feel up to dealing with the crowds. (Not looking forward to the Jan. 1th rush.) On buying warm (expensive)workout gear I would also factor in how long it will fit you. Do you want to spend all that money on something that will be too big next year? :) Or, do you really need it to get the job done?? You are doing awesome!!! Keep up the good work.
Oh, I *so* hear you on the weather! I think you should definitely get some cold weather running gear - it makes a HUGE difference. And if you don't mind slow, I'm totally game to run together if you're interested! And, you know, if it's not in the 30s. Brr.
LauraLynne said…
SRG - I'll totally run with you - I'm slow too!! :)
I've got some long johns that if you don't look at them too closely they look like running tights (with a boy fly but like I said - don't look too close!)
Now to get off my melancholy butt...

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