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I'm starting over. Again.

Nearly 5 years later...
I'm pretty sure nobody cares or reads this but...this was started for me and I'll continue for me.  It's a bunch of years later - I lost 40 pounds and then gained 70.  I'm currently sitting at 249.  And not just 249 pounds but WOEFULLY out of shape.  I joined a gym last December.  Went twice.  Need to cancel my membership, I'm paying a stupid tax every month.
Then, last weekend, I was at a BBQ when a friend of mine casually said 'you should come run the Portland half marathon with us!'
And apparently I was temporarily possessed by...something... and I said yes.
So my running is starting up again.  (I literally just took a deep breath and let it out slowly).
I have been running all week now, that sounds so much better than 3 days.  I can't even run a mile.  I can't even RUN for 1/3 of a mile.  But I started from zero before.  And I'm doing it again.  And I'm not planning on WINNING the half marathon - just not dying.
I'm on Instagram now too - goalsize_Strong.  But not a lot of space for long rambling thoughts there.
I'm struggling with the whole starting over thing.  And the whole "gained 70 pounds" thing.  And a lot of things.  But I'm going to try my best.
So here I go...blogging again.  Because one of the most motivating things this round is re-reading my blog.  SO, in case I ever have to start from zero again, here I am - you can do this!  :)



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