So - usually when I see a picture of myself, it's at an event. So I am usually dressed in an outfit that took some thought at least and not just whatever's clean. And in most cases, when I go back and see pictures of myself, it doesn't match the image of what I FELT like. I feel thinner than I look - and so often I really can't identify with the "fat girl" in the photo.
Today I saw a picture of myself that I didn't recognize. I was glancing through 100's of photos taken at a graduation party I went to. I was in jeans and a tank top. And in looking through the thumbnails, I was egocentrically only looking for photos of me, hubby, and/or my son. I spotted a series with my son, husband, and a infant cousin. And someone else. Curiously, I enlarged the photo. It was ME! I looked thinner than I felt that day, than I feel today!
I'm going to try and capture that feeling as I continue to work at getting back on track. It's a good feeling indeed!!
Does anyone else feel a disconnect between what you see in the mirror and what you see in pictures? Which direction is the discrepancy? Do you have a favorite (current) photo that is inspirational to you?
Today I saw a picture of myself that I didn't recognize. I was glancing through 100's of photos taken at a graduation party I went to. I was in jeans and a tank top. And in looking through the thumbnails, I was egocentrically only looking for photos of me, hubby, and/or my son. I spotted a series with my son, husband, and a infant cousin. And someone else. Curiously, I enlarged the photo. It was ME! I looked thinner than I felt that day, than I feel today!
I'm going to try and capture that feeling as I continue to work at getting back on track. It's a good feeling indeed!!
Does anyone else feel a disconnect between what you see in the mirror and what you see in pictures? Which direction is the discrepancy? Do you have a favorite (current) photo that is inspirational to you?