Tonight's run was "only" 2.5 miles. I say that because yesterday was 5 miles. But the training plan calls for picking it up a notch: run 3 minutes, walk 1 vs. 2/1. But my time for the same distance was a little slower - just proof that I waddle run as fast as I walk (I think I walk maybe even a little faster!!). But I did it - another day in the books. And for that, a 250 calorie dinner (my son cooked while I ran - but he forgot to cook anything besides turkey fruit it is!)


The even better news is that I've budget enough calories for a treat later on - I've been struggling with eating late at night, craving carbs. So I'm going to try budgeting for it and having a bagel thin tonight when/if the craving hits. We'll see.
This is all about learning and adapting, right?
So - here's a question for vetran blogger - I'd like to be able to respond to people's comments via email or privately, is there an easy way to do that? Is there something I'm missing? I thought I could reply by the email notice I get but ... dunderhead that I's goes to "noreply-something or another" which tells me it's not going to anyone. *sigh*
I can be zero help on the blog/reply/private thing because I actually have no clue what on earth you are talking about. Hopefully someone with more knowledge then my brain holds can help you out :) :) :)
I love seeing all the runners who are on this journey and blog. Such wonderful inspiration for me.