I've been avoiding the blogging world - for a couple reasons. My eating has been horrible. Well, maybe not horrible but definately not brag-worthy or blog-worthy. I've been embarassed at how much I've regressed back into old eating habits. The other reason is I've been keeping a secret but it's time to come clean. I've been gaining weight - only a little - and with my doctor's full permission. As of today, I'm 16weeks 4 days pregnant, and this one's here to stay! I'm excited. And nervous. And sick as a dog with morning sickness. I've used all of the above as an excuse to jump off the wagon (and load it with junk food to drag around with me all day). I've had chips and candy and sugar - and not in small quantities. I now weight 205. Up from 190. But holding steady and fully aware of the changes I need to make - again. Mostly my problem is that I have morning sickness 24 hours a day. It's like really bad mot...
I finally realized that it was stalling out any chance I had to make a serious run at dropping the weight. If you're gonna cheat for two days, then spend two or three days undoing the damage, it doesn't leave much of the week to get any good work done.
I finally was able to change the way I view weekends. Now they're an opportunity to plan for the week ahead and even sneak in an extra workout or two.
Keeping weekends in check will pay off big on the scale!