As a "big girl" the first thing I look for is how many runners there are as big or bigger than me. It's just what I do. At a 5k, there are usually a number of women bigger than me and many my size. Today that wasn't the case. Apparently adding 3k eliminates a lot of plus size runners. I did not see anyone my size. My husband told me there were a few other big girls running - but I didn’t' see them. Talk about a head trip - I was really nervous! The announcer released my group and we're off! Less than a quarter mile in, I realized that I may not have thought this race all the way through. Let me just mention, I'm scared of heights. I used to be terrified of heights - now I'm just scared. I mostly do fine with them but bridges still can bring on a panic attack for me. The name of this race: Beat the Bridge. Um. Like I said, I may have overlooked part of the planning this race out. So less than a quarter mile from the start, there's a bridge - n...
I finally realized that it was stalling out any chance I had to make a serious run at dropping the weight. If you're gonna cheat for two days, then spend two or three days undoing the damage, it doesn't leave much of the week to get any good work done.
I finally was able to change the way I view weekends. Now they're an opportunity to plan for the week ahead and even sneak in an extra workout or two.
Keeping weekends in check will pay off big on the scale!