I wish I could find the list of things I dreamed of doing when I first considered Gastric Bypass. I'm sure it contained some of the "usual" ones: cross my legs, fit comfortably at the movies/airplane/behind the steering wheel, get up off the floor gracefully, walk a flight of stairs without stopping, play with my kids, swing in a swing, and a few others I've since forgotten.
What I didn't realize is all the OTHER things I would be able to do. This line of thinking is prompted by my husband's question to me tonight. He asked "how's the blog going - did you tell them about riding motorcycles for 2 full days?!" and then he asked "do you talk about the things you do on a regular basis that you couldn't have done at 300 pounds??"
The answer was no. I haven't been 300 pounds in about 9 years. But recently I was 240 pounds. January. 240 pounds. It wasn't as bad as 300 - but it wasn't good either.
So here's my list. Of things I can do now that I couldn't do at 300 or even 240 pounds:
what things do you enjoy at the weight you are now? What are you looking forward to? I'm certainly enjoying life to a level I really never dreamed of at 300 pounds. I'm looking forward to running farther and faster, discovering a whole new list of new things I can do, not letting my weight hold me back from ANYTHING. That's what I'm looking forward to. Life is full of hope.
What I didn't realize is all the OTHER things I would be able to do. This line of thinking is prompted by my husband's question to me tonight. He asked "how's the blog going - did you tell them about riding motorcycles for 2 full days?!" and then he asked "do you talk about the things you do on a regular basis that you couldn't have done at 300 pounds??"
The answer was no. I haven't been 300 pounds in about 9 years. But recently I was 240 pounds. January. 240 pounds. It wasn't as bad as 300 - but it wasn't good either.
So here's my list. Of things I can do now that I couldn't do at 300 or even 240 pounds:
- Take a 2 day physically demanding motorcycle class
- cross my legs - anywhere anytime
- fit in every chair
- run
- run far
- run long distance
- sign up for a boot camp without worrying about being embarassed
- go golfing with work
- shop without trying clothes on
- look in a full length mirror and find parts of my body that I can't stop staring at
- and touching those parts of my body (oh - not that you dirty birds!)
- believing my husband when he tells me I look hot
- wearing form fitting clothes
- bicycling
- swimming
- running
- events with all 3!!
- racing motorcycles
- safety gear for motorcycling
- folding my legs under me in the movie theater
- lap top ON my lap
- sexy underclothes NOT from Lane Bryant (while they look sexy, the amount of material involved cancelled sexy out for me)
- hand me downs from people I admire
- borrowing clothes when the weather turns unexpectedly
- jeans that I can wear out of the dryer Every. Single. Time.
- Looking forward to doctor appointments instead of dreading "The Lecture"
- confidence and self esteem
what things do you enjoy at the weight you are now? What are you looking forward to? I'm certainly enjoying life to a level I really never dreamed of at 300 pounds. I'm looking forward to running farther and faster, discovering a whole new list of new things I can do, not letting my weight hold me back from ANYTHING. That's what I'm looking forward to. Life is full of hope.