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Friday's weigh in and challenge updates!

Challenge updates!  Also known as "making progress" or "chugging along!"

swim: 24,000 yards
bike: 200 miles
run: 50 miles
Total so far:
Week 1
swim: 8450 yards
bike: 50.4 miles
run: 17.92 miles
Week 2
Swim: 12,250 yards
Bike: 65.4 miles
run: 22.92 miles
Week 3 totals:
Swim: 17,100 yards (6900 to go)
Bike: 164.86 miles (46.14 to go)
run: 31.11 (18.89 to go)

This was a big week for totals - especially the bike.  My training plan is broken into weekly goals:
Base - which is maintaining my endurance
Build - building endurance
Recovery - also exactly what it sounds like

This week was a build week so the distances were a little longer.  This week is the same.  So baring burnout, injury or acts of nature, I will make all my OctoberFAST goals!!  I'm super excited for this because, honestly, when I set them and looked at the numbers, it seemed pretty unlikely.  But I'm not someone to shy away from challenges (um - have you been READING my blog - I'm all about setting out to do the impossible).  But I'm my own biggest skeptic - but that's changing, slowly. 

Next is the Go The Distance Challenge for October

Goal is 50 miles
Total so far:  31.11 (62% done!)

Again - I'm confident that I can run the remaining 18 miles by Friday. 

Old me just looked at that sentence and fainted. 

 And last - but not least

GAG 2010
Goal: pounds lost by Christmas
Start weight: 200.2

Friday's weight: 193.8
Total lost so far: 6.4

I'm happy with that - with all the working out - adding bootcamp and working on core muscles, I suspect that I'm dropping fat and replacing it with muscle.  I know that this month has been the biggest changes in terms of body shape - pictures will be taken on Friday for monthly comparison.  Measurements too! 
Mostly I'm excited because even on "heavy days", I don't see a 2 in front of my weight anymore.  And I've got 18x right around the corner!! 
More exciting than that is that I'm starting to focus on the training, the health, and the nutrition part of working out more than the numbers on the scale.  Not seeing a loss in the morning doesn't ruin my day anymore.  There's less ritual involved - I still weigh naked and with an empty bladder but I don't shift around on the scale to see if the location of my feet can shave another .2 off the number, most mornings I barely remember what the number the day before read, and I'm more focused on the numbers to the left of the decimal than to the right.  194.8 and 194.2 are equal in my brain.  I don't obsess. 
This is huge.  And liberating.

Today's agenda:  Church, swimming, running, cooking.  I'm going to make a few staples for the house and also menu plan for the week.  Last night I cooked a little extra to start off my lunches for work.  It's one area can really improve in - I've been buying my lunches which, while still making healthy choices, causes stress for me because there's too much freedom that comes with that daily choice.  I feel so much more in control when I bring my lunch.  I know it's healthy, I know I don't have the make a difficult choice, and usually I make really delicious food so I look forward to lunch instead of semi-dreading it.

I also need to set up an area where my workout stuff goes so that it's easier to be organized.  I'm tired of having to search for pants, shoes, socks, helmet, waterbottle, suit, towel, goggles....the list goes on and on.  So today I make an area just for my workout stuff.  And I spend less time searching, more time...well, NOT searching!!



Dizzy Girl said…
I love your goals! Way to stay strong all the way through Christmas. Good job LauraLynne!!! Keep it up!!
Big Clyde said…
Oh my gosh! Your weekly goals look like my monthly goals. Now, I feel so lame for being behind on my goals!

And maybe a bit more motivated...
LauraLynne said…
You started it!! I'm just trying to keep up!
I just saw that you stopped by my blog, so I of course had to stop by yours! I was reading through this post and I can completely relate to the not having a '2' in front of your weight. It's like I never realized how much pressure sat on that number until it was gone! I know I've only read your blog for two minutes, but, wow, keep up the amazing work!

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