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Bike a fever, jog a cold?

That's not the saying exactly but that's what I've been trying to do. I'm teetering on the edge of a nasty chest cold. Tonight's run I finally raised the white flag and walked the 3 miles instead of running 7 as planned.
I'm learning how to be more flexible. Slowly. I'm so determined in everything I do that it's hard to accept anything less than 100%. Even at a steep cost. So, tonight I walked. And now I'm going to slice up an apple, shut off the computer, and probably fall asleep before 9pm. A full three hours earlier than normal.
But tomorrow is boot camp...if I don't roll over and go back to sleep.

Cough cough!

Night everyone!



Dizzy Girl said…
hahaha- cough cough!

But seriously LauraLynne- I won't lecture you on taking care of yourself when you're sick- but take care of you!!! Take it easy, you'll thank yourself later. :)

MizFit said…
be gentle to yourself too.
christina said…
HOpe you feel better soon!

I woke up all stuffy and Im so sore from yesterdays weight training that Im trying to talk myself out of going to the gym... Im such a slacker!

Dayne Gingrich said…
Hi LauraLynne,

Just wanted you to know Your Story was posted at CoachYourMind.

Thank you again... we need more people with your courage!


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